To Build A Fanbase, You Need To Reach Every Level Of Fandom.

As an artist, you know each fan is precious. But it’s tough to identify and engage different fan levels across platforms. Pushing the same promotions, offers, and updates to your audience often misses the mark.

Here are some tips to map, target and convert casual listeners into diehard fans. With a layered strategy, you can move fans into your ecosystem, drive retention and tap revenue at each level.

Not All Fans Are Equally Engaged

Your fanbase spans multiple locations, interests and engagement levels – from passive listeners to superfans with lyrics tattooed. This fragmentation means a one-size-fits-all approach will fall flat. A few big social posts or generic email blasts just won’t cut it to reach and resonate across all fan types. The key is balancing mass reach with micro-engagement, tailored for each fan layer.

Feed Superfans While Funneling Layers Into Your Ecosystem

Share new releases widely, but give your superfans first listens and bonus content. Run promos in your shop, but hook up your fan club with free merch and exclusive experiences.

This layered approach provides unique value tailored for each fan type. So you engage different groups while moving casual listeners into direct channels like email lists. Then up the loyalty ladder to turn them into lifelong superfans who actively spend on merchandise, tickets, and more.

Putting Fan Layering Into Action

  • Map out your fan layers (mailing list, fan club, social followers, etc.)
  • Create tailored perks and access for each level
  • Target each group with specific promos and messaging
  • Direct them to owned channels like your Shopify store
  • Analyze data and fine-tune your approach

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I identify my fan layers?

Analyze your email list, social followers, streamers and shop data to cluster fans by engagement. You can also poll your fans to learn more about their interests.

What unique perks can I offer each layer?

Give your top fans early access to new releases, limited merch, or backstage passes with apps like Single for artists on Shopify.

How should I communicate with each layer?

Use different formats like email, social media, text messaging to match how each fan layer likes to engage. The key is to personalize for every segment.

Source: Alana Bonilla